Come On In!

Welcome to my blog! I dedicated my blog to one of my favorite bands, The Offspring. So if you like The Offspring, or would like to check them out, come on it and make yourself comfortable. There are songs on the right side bar for your entertainment and at the bottom there is a video player, so you can watch their music videos, though there are commercials in the beginning, but they're short and it's worth it! ^_^

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Other Music?

So what other bands do you like? Some other bands I like are Rise Against, Lostprophets, Led Zeppelin, Linkin Park, Rage Against The Machine, Hoobastank, Cauterize, Green Day, and many others!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Newest Album?

So what do you think of their new album, "Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace"? I have heard many people praise it and many people criticize it, but I myself really like it. I think it might be their best yet! :D

How's The Blog?

So, what do you think of my blog? Is there anything I should do to improve it? I myself, really like it, but I will gladly accept some constructive criticism ^_^

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Your Favorite Album?

[Click on the albums to view them^^]

So what's your favorite album by The Offspring? Mine would have to be their newest one: Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace. I love how they mixed a number of fast paced rock songs, like "You're Gunna Go Far, Kid" and "Stuff is Messed Up", with a couple slower, softer songs like "Kristy, Are You Doing Ok?" and "Fix You". So what's your's?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Your Favorite Song?

So, what is your favorite song by The Offspring? Mine would have to be Defy You. I love that song and I really like it's message.